Yeah, I quit playing.
I've been posting quite a bit on my other blog... And I'm gonna stop this one. Was nice hangin with you all, spec ripper. And that mad orc, ratter.
Anyway, here's my big list of wow regrets.
1. Ever playing a PvE server.Compared to that, PvP servers are like sex without the condom. And with a partner. Admittedly, a sadistic 12 year old parter... maybe I should stop now.
2. My first char was a troll mage onna PvP server. I moved to be with a friend and started a rogue on his PvE server. Big mistake.... shoulda stuck with the mage. Rogues are for people who hate humanity a lot. Mages are for people who hate humanity intensely.
3. I missed the whole opening of AQ event. It happened during one of my burnout/server hopping periods. When you consider this was probably the only real global event in the six years of WoW history... yeah, still pisses me off.
4. Ever becoming an officer in a guild. The first rule of guilds and S&M gay pr0n. Never freaking volunteer!
5. Ever playing alliance. Goddamn Ironforge, anyway.
6. Getting my only real pvp title (Knight Commander) onna ally char. (59 nelf hunter) It hurts my soul not havin a decent pvp title on a hordie char.
7. Ever trying to level a paladin. Orra warrior. Plate is a waste of a freaking drop.
Anyway... I go now to my final reward... hopefully SC2 inna few months, and diablo 3 inna year and a half. Stay (blood) thirsty, my friends!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Stand your ground

Downed HM Thorim this week, bangin head against HM General now. That life leech is killin us.
I suspect that the proc rate on 4 piece tier 8 might have gone up... or RNG is really, really messin with me.
Anyway, lets talk GI JOE.
A lot on the right are up in arms against an american icon getting "multinationalized." I'm sorry... suck it up. It been the way ever since they started givin John Wayne a little native boy as a comic relief/boytoy in war movies. American military movies have always made a point of including other nationalities in our struggles. FFS, we had french and germans fightin alongside us during the revolution.
The problem is that the movie doesnt really acknowledge america as the point nation. And it is idiotic to assume that american special forces would work independent of the american government.
Sigh. I mean, they don't even pick up the big insult... Cobra's big plot is to make the world fall into line behind america.
K, nough politics. Lets see... movie starts with a super secret weapons research plant in central asia. Later on, another one pops up in "east africa." I mean... yeah, that makes sense... weapons are weapons, and you'd make ultra sensitive micro weapons in areas with unreliable electricity, corrupt troops beating up your help, and the occasional explosion. Cuz you know... silicon valley would just be too simple.
Oh yeah.. big shock... the bad guys are the arms dealers. Cuz, you know... guns don't kill people.. people who sell guns to people who kill people kill people. Just think of the profit margin!
I mean... we're talking about the most heavily audited industry on earth. Really... if an evil corporation has to be behind crap, why cant it be microsoft or intel? Hell, they could build a massive secret base under the arctic outta spare change, and noone would notice.
But can you picture the sales pitch to NATO? We're gonna make the most advanced weapons the world has ever seen, and we're gonna make em in a lab directly between China and Russia!
Sigh.. don't even get me started on Marlon Wayans. If I'd known he was in the movie I simply wouldn't have gone. He's Jar Jar Binks given flesh. He's a black Pee Wee Herman, only without the cleverness.
And he gets more time on screen than anyone. BTW... hollywood... if yuir reading... not everyone in a movie needs to get laid. Just sayin.
Then there's the baroness... see, there's this trope. It's kinda seriously racist, but still exists in a bit more sanitized form. See... the baroness in the movie is doin bad things cuz she's brainwashed. But her love for Duke overrides her brainwashing, and she ends up being a hero...
Back in the day, a lotta b grade movies and stories had this semi porno plot... american guy gets captured by evil foreigner, evil foreigner's daughter falls under the spell of american... um... "mojo..." and then helps american escape, betraying her father and people...
How idiotic is this? Reference the greek story of Medea sometime to see what greeks thought of this behavior.
Anyway, old school flash gordon? Ming was too busy trying to rape a white woman to notice his daughter puttin out to flash.
I mean... really racist. Sigh. But along with this is the assumption of pure and innocent women... who can't possibly work with terrorist organizations.. they must be "brainwashed." And would willingly swap sides the minute Mr. Right showed up.
Is it too much to ask for a bellatrix? A white witch? A paris hilton? K.. maybe not that evil. But still... and maybe a more cohesive motivation?
Remember annikin skywalker's politics... "the strong must take charge to reduce chaos!"
Yep.. that's cobra's motive.
It really really didnt have to be this way. I can think up a dozen ways to spiff up both GI Joe and Cobra... and have the movie a crapload more interesting. You spend $175 million on a movie... drop a few hundred thou on writers, ffs.
Oh and snake eyes' mask was hideous.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Forever and ever!

Considering he's one of the most high strung people i've ever been in vent with, there's an awesome case to be made for medical marijuana.
Anyway, the week I took off ends up bein the week the patch hits... so I got two questions...
One, what the hell am i gonna replace power auras with? It aint working, and I havent seen a recent update. What do my fellow non gnome mages use to keep track of pyro (fire) and fireball (frost) instacast procs?
Two... went to see GI JOE with Melvin. It sucked. So you people wanna review?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It's better to burn out...

The guild runs a naxx 25 pug that Melvin loves because it gets him tons of epics with no wipes. I mean, we're talking 3.5 hour full clear.
So we're doin loatheb, and the guild is betting on whether the holy pal will beat Melvin's lock in dps, usin just holy shock.
I dunno sometimes.
Monday, June 29, 2009
All the toys and the tools in the box couldn't get you off...

Damn peculiar activity fer a fire mage, but as the ratter puts it, you can tell who the good guys are as them the folks payin you.
Hard core raiding is kinda eating into my meditative post generation reflection time. Ah well.
So, here's some general crap. My quest for music has gone well, here are three albums that stood out...
Delirium, Best of Delirium
Bt, Movement in Still Life
Metric, Fantasies
Im still not sure why I like that last one so much.
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