Monday, May 19, 2008

You better run!

It happened like this....

Friday night, I was noshing on some chicken fried rice, watchin BSG, when I gotta call from Arms&Fury...

"We need another dps for our kara group, bring Mabd!"

So I get on... Aerth said he'd played with the tank before, and that he was pretty good. As well, the off tank was Magebert's prot pally, and Magebert is kinda decent.

We crush moroes, get to maiden...and the main tank d/c's, not to come back.

Raid leader asks if anyone knows a tank...

Oh god. It wasn't supposed to be this way... ARMS &FURY, YOU BASTARD!

Magebert... "I know a tank!"

And that's how I ended up running kara with Melvin tanking.

I can still hear the screams of the healers. The resto druid, its googly eyes looking into nothing, its proud trunk shattered... whispering "I can't feel my roots" in the same tone of voice you'd say, "Oh, we're outta milk."

All I could do was weep while I held him, telling him over and over... "its almost over, its almost over..."

Then A&F bails after curator. Leaving us to make the march to shade... there to get 2 wipes on flame wreath thanks to a truly idiotic fury warrior...

My HUNTER had a 50g repair bill. A friggin hunter. I F'D outta about 6 wipes. Good lord...

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