Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Have a confused friend, plz help...

First, I love Mabd's laughing skull battle harness. I'm gonna have a hard time givin that up. It just looks so cool.

Second, Maj is slowly getting the resil and health she needs to survive. We gonna try a 3 mage team soon, and see how that works. Unfortunately, its gonna be with melvin...

The prob with melvin... hesa BG player. And a BG player sits on his ass until someone else takes point. On arena teams, aggression WINS. First up, first in...

Case in point, was running WSG with Majeure the cruel. Allies are holding the flag in their flag room, we take it, flag caps. So there we are, 2 mages and a hunter, eating... and the flags respawn.

I look at the other two... no interest in them in taking the flag... so I gotta grab it and run, while still only at 80% health...

Meet another team member, a pally, in the tunnel. I drop flag... pally is MUCH better runner, right? He doan take it... so I grab again, and set out into the world of light and pain...

At this time, an ally grabs our flag... so I'm near mid field, and see this ally warrior with MY HORDE FLAG running at me... POM PYro, Fireblast, arcane... dead warrior... I recover flag, blink outta roots, and get to my keep... flag recovery and cap in same run.

God I hate WSG.

Anyway, in arena, ya gotta be agressive. Can't worry bout takin damage... if you become pew pew target, duck outta LOS, but Melvin will let someone with less health and resil take point so HE doan have to worry bout aggro. On such things are losses built.

Anyway, Arms&Fury and I are hanging with a pally. New player, needs help. Any links to good shockadin build/playing guides? As well as a few blogs on how to gear out a heavy holy pally who wants to do damage as well?

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