Friday, October 26, 2007

In defense of Melvin...

Melvin is not an idiot.

Melvin is a n00b.

There is a difference.

The reason Melvin is the mage tank is because melvin decided early on that success in WoW depends on tons of sta and resiliance. So he has tons. and tons. and tons.

The reason Melvin prefers his shammy to his mage is because it takes longer for people to kill his shammy than his mage.

Melvin is blind to certain aspects of the game... such as kiting.

Melvin is a competant mage tank, and no other mage in the guild has close to his health...

Were I to get my mage to 70.. I'd sack the AH for +sta greens, and make a passable mage tank. It don't take much. The trinket from kara would help a ton as well... but just pile on insane +sta, and ignore everything else.

I tried to explain the roles of spell hit, reduced arcane resistance, and proper timing of fire ward for the High King fight. Melvin simply cannot play at that level. Hesa button masher... not a timer.

Counterspell is useless to him without the points that give it silence.

No one else in the guild understands these... finer points.

Melvin will never blog. He's too repressed. I pass on hellos to him, and every so often, he'll ask me... "that's going in your blog isn't it?" after my face freezes in mid conversation...

@BRK... the PUG hunter misdirected onto the wrong target. Cuz he wasn't listening... TWICE. And since the guild can't possibly do a "misdirect" phase, then a "pull" phase without sitting around with thumbs up asses long enough for misdirect to lapse...

Many is the time in Kara I wish I could say... "trap cooldown is near up, pull in next 10 seconds please..."

The problem with the guild... they'll do the high king pull right, and then NOT be able to down everything quickly enough...

But you've all asked about the response to my guild post...

Just one. The guild head said I was mostly right, then said I was being unduly negative..

K... then last night...

First, comcast sucks balls. You guys need to know this.

Second... i get home, and cable and internet are both down. I call melvin, tell him to let guild know that I'm out for the night.

Melvin tells me that the officer's forum has a huge post fest on the breakup of the guild...

At work today, I grab melvin, get his officer login info, and check for myself...

The guy in charge of posting to realm/guild recruitment forums... is quitting. ("Mabd is right") The guild heads want to resign. The new plan is to break and reform the guild with a smaller, dedicated raiding core...

The title of the thread? "Breaking Point..."


Unknown said...

It was gonna happen...
and you were the catalyst!

Things will be better afterwards.

Lance said...

Things were much funner when we though Melvin was an idiot J/K.

Graham H said...

Someone always have to start the ball rolling to make people realize the foolishness of their current ways.

Graham H said...
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