Tuesday, October 2, 2007


My brother isn't going to jail! Yay!

(long story)

All you need to know... he plays a druid, and gets into much better arena teams than I do.

And, like everyone... he does stupid things.

My latest... I got called on the mat for my pally commentary... all I can say...

If you are a pally tank... more power to you. But pally tanks, like arms or fury tanks, or hunters, suffer from the same syndrome...


Hunters get dumped on because of the sheer number of huntards running around. If you are with strangers... be prepared to prove l33tness. And don't get upset, cuz everyone and their third cousin has a favorite "and this is how the hunter wiped us" story...

Pally, arms and fury tanks have the same problem. I know ArmsandFury. I KNOW that a arms or fury spec warrior can tank quite well. However, the bulk of arms or fury warriors I meet can't hold aggro offa ret pally's dps, let alone my poor self.

A 70 arms warrior was helping a guildy do ring of blood. I joined with my hunter to add dps.... AND MY PET PULLED AGGRO offa the arms warrior tank.

I joined a BM group... the 70 "tank" had 8800 health. I ask... "are you protect?"... and get grief...

Dude... BM is barely possible with a 8.8k prot spec tank. It aint possible with a 8.8 arms or fury tank.

And if you a pally tank running round with 9k health... you aint kara ready. Sorry. And if you a protect spec pally... you gotta realize your build is complicated enough, gear, talent and tactic wise, that people are gonna have run across prot spec pallies that can't find their ass with both hands and a map...

Be prepared to prove yourself... every day. Like us poor hunters. Doomed by the overwhelming waves of drooling imbeciles that share our class/build. (spirit bond... /shudder)

One of the bright spots of 2.3 is the massive boost to fury/arms threat generation coming. I dearly hope to see more end game arms and fury tanks :)

So... we all do stupid things. ArmsandFury more often than most.

Let me quote...

"BTW, the only thing he can say about me is that I got a lot of ladies without having bar soap in the bathroom >.<

oooo and that whole "Natural" gamer comment... which I took back."

Yeah. Thats ALL I have on you...

K... just one more ArmsandFury story...

I worked at a liquor store. We wrote off booze all the time. I had a friend that was senior RA at a party university. Any booze he confiscated ended up at my place... now I really didn't drink much, so I always had extra, and would spot some for friends...

ArmsandFury is a friend... (see where I'm going with this...)

There was a shot drink called aftershock. Cinnamon schnapps. I had some bottles in the freezer. Arms grabbed a few one night.

K... ice cold, art deco frost glass bottle filled with a booze that had crystals growing in it... I get a call that night from old arms...

"Dude! I was just (whatever slang for sex you prefer) with my wife! And that bottle blew up!"

"er... Arms... I'm kinda at work here..."

"It blew UP, man! It was on the bed here, and I guess we got a little too active... dude, how did that happen?"

"Work... busy... glad yuir having fun..."

"Oh wait, she's says I'm not finished... gotta go... damn, baby, watch the broken glass..."

... Oh yeah, then there was the year and a half he spent imitating darrel hammond imitating sean connery on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy sketchs...


Mera said...

Gz to your brother :)

And lol @ the story!

Anonymous said...

lol, i remember that story! What did he call himself....Ian or something. good memories!

Lance said...

I'll take The Rapist for 1000 Alex(in Hammond/Connery voice)I love those sketches. That aftershock is awful stuff.

Kelmar said...

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue

I can't remember the rest but...
your mother's a whore!


those were the days!