Sunday, November 4, 2007


K... Majeure got ice lance at 66. I never really had a chance to mess with it before...

I now know why ice mages are so sick in arena... good lord.

Ice lance... insta cast frost spell that does 150ish damage, triple to frozen targets.

Why is this a sick sick thing? Well... ice lance gets the add from +spell damage. Which, as an insta cast spell is like 1.41/3 ish. 45%? I dunno, but with 450 spell damage, maj's was hitting for around 300.

Then you triple it. On a frozen target. I was hitting for almost 900, and I have zero in frost talents. If I was frost spec... I'd have +50% chance to crit, and double damage on crits... so... with a +750 spell damage frost mage.... yuir looking at a possible 2.5-3k crit. You tube has some silly damage videos with arcane/frost, including ice lance crits near 4k...

For an instant! Jeez...

You have been warned. Doan let em freeze you.


Zball said...
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Zball said...

Told you ~_^